We strongly recommend using the EA FIFA WebAPP for creating auctions and ordering FIFA Coins.
It can be found here.
This way you can easily manage current transfers on the PC and retrieve all the information you need at one glance, without having to be logged in the console or being ingame.
The process is quite easy:
1. Login to EA FIFA WebAPP by clicking here
2. Select the "my club" tab
3. Go to "players"
4. Select brone quality players to filter for worthless players and click "search"
5. Choose a player
6. "Offer on transfer market"
7. "Buyout price" on the desired quantity. e.g. 100,000 coins
8. Set duration to 3 days
9. Click "Ok" to offer the player on the market
Now order the desired quantitiy of coins and indicate all required data here: http://www.mmoga.de/FIFA-Coins/
If you are missing player information you can find the current transfers here:
Transfers -> Transfer List -> Current transfers